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Mosquitoes vs Mayflies vs Craneflies

Mosquitoes vs Mayflies vs Craneflies

When a petite pesky pest is bugging you this summer, do you know what you’re dealing with? Learn the similarities and differences between mosquitoes vs mayflies vs craneflies to help you figure out which bug it is. It’s often a case of mistaken identity with these similar pests.

Mosquitoes vs Mayflies vs Craneflies


  • Mosquitoes: Mosquito colors range from grayish-brown to black, and they might have white, green, or blue markings. They have a long, beak-like mouthpart called a proboscis that allows them to suck blood. Their wings have scales along the veins.
  • Mayflies: Mayflies are slender with elongated bodies. They can have two or three tails, which are often longer than their bodies. This insect has sailboat-like wings. People describe mayflies as delicate, slow-flying, and beautiful.
  • Crane Flies: Crane flies range in color and may be black, red, or yellow. They are larger than mosquitoes with long legs and elongated faces.


  • Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes are arguably the most dangerous pests in the world. Every year, diseases caused by mosquitoes such as malaria, yellow fever, dengue, and filarial worms kill or harm millions of people throughout the world.
  • Mayflies: Mayflies do not bite or sting, but they may scare people. They have a quick lifespan, often dropping dead in piles after a 24-hour mating frenzy.
  • Crane Flies: Crane flies are not dangerous to humans, even though they are often confused with blood-sucking mosquitoes. Instead of feeding on blood, adult crane flies eat nectar from flowers and other plants.

Green Lawn Fertilizing Knows How to Deal with These Pests

The qualified pest professionals at Green Lawn Fertilizing are experienced in keeping mosquitoes and other pests out of your lawn (and hair!) this summer. We create a protective barrier around the perimeter of your property so you don’t have to live in fear all summer. Call us today at 855-469-0692 for a free quote for our mosquito control program.

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