Flea & Tick Removal

Defend Your Lawn & Family With Flea & Tick Control
Our Flea & Tick Program will provide 6 Applications during the summer months to help control blood feeding and parasitic fleas, ticks, and deer ticks from taking over your lawn!
The Troubling Truth About Fleas & Ticks
One female flea can lay up to 18 eggs a day. At that rate, it would only take 20 fleas on a dog to produce 360 eggs per day and over 2000 in one week!
The flea population is typically made up of 50% eggs, 30% larvae, 15% pupae and only 5% biting adults. Most fleas survive the winter in the larval or pupal stage and grow best during warm, moist winters and spring.
Protect Your Loved Ones
Eliminate Fleas and Ticks for Good
Ticks are considered to be superior carriers of disease. They are small and stealthy and often go unnoticed until it is too late. While they do not jump or fly, their natural environment allows them the perfect access to their prey. They drop from trees or hide in the grass waiting for deer, dogs and humans to come close enough to latch onto.
Ticks can go as long as 200 days without food or water and can live as long as 2 years. On lawns, 82% of deer ticks have been found within 9 feet of the lawns edge, especially areas adjacent to woods, stonewalls, or ornamental plantings.
Get Protection Today!
What Our Customers Are Saying
Christine B. – Hamilton,
This service has allowed me to enjoy my beautiful lawn each day without worry. I love my green lawn!
Debora H. – Coatesville,
Love our lawn! Great work Green Lawn. Always on schedule and looks amazing every day. I highly recommend this company!!
Victoria P. – Reading,
Our lawn is now green and prefect, SO much better than last year, not a weed in sight, perfect for backyard parties.
Randolph K. – Englishtown,
My lawn looks like a carpet, we are weed free- front yard and back yard!
Ian P. – Glenmoore,
Green Lawn is the best!!
Ryan P. – Media,
Looking super GREEN!!!
Andrew M. – Allentown,
Flowers blooming and grass green as ever with Green Lawn Fertilizing!
Jim R. – Quakertown,
Green Lawn was recommended to me by my brother who is very picky! I do Landscaping for a living and I can honestly tell you that I highly recommend Green Lawn!