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Outdoor Entertainment – Lawn Care Tips

There is nothing better than a summer time lawn party. Bringing friends and family over for a barbecue and lawn games can be the perfect summertime activity. However, the last thing you want is to be embarrassed by your lawn. At Green Lawn Fertilizing, we want to make sure that you learn exactly what it takes to host a party outdoors on your beautiful green grass.

Tips for Outdoor Entertainment-Ready Lawns

  • Prevent Pests – Mosquitoes are the number one spoiler of a great night outside. That’s why mosquito control should be an important part of lawn care. Green Lawn Fertilizing can help you eliminate mosquitoes, so that you don’t have to worry about an infestation affecting your good time.
  • Water Your Lawn In Advance/After – A well-kept lawn is one that is shown attention. That does not necessarily mean frequent watering (as you can overwater your lawn). But it does mean that you water your lawn correctly, so that the roots grow deep. However, when it comes to hosting, it’s a good idea to avoid watering the lawn right before guests come. This can lead to excess compaction of the soil. Instead, water in advance, and if the party falls on the day you traditionally water, considering waiting until the next day so that the soil doesn’t move or get damaged.
  • Overseeding – Combined with aeration, overseeding is a great way to make sure your lawn is ready for hosting. Lawns that are overseeded have a higher density, which means that they are stronger against footsteps and damage.
  • Different Grass – Of course, you may simply need to try other types of grass. Some grasses aren’t as effective at maintaining themselves with heavy foot traffic. Replacing your turf with new grass may be a great preventative strategy for keeping your lawn healthy when you host outdoors.

Most Importantly: Be Proactive

The best way to keep your lawn looking immaculate is to take care of it. Fertilize, improve your lawn health, eliminate pests, and your friends will love their outdoor activities.

Call Green Lawn Fertilizing today to find out more about our lawn treatment plants. We can help you determine what steps are necessary for a bright, green lawn. We offer a great lawn care package that includes a full year of seven applications that consists of fertilizing and weed control. Call us today at 855-469-0692 for a free estimate.

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