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Lawn Invasion – White Clover

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White clover is a very common weed in the Pennsylvania area. It is very hardy and durable, and once it gets into your lawn it can be hard to get it out. In the world of lawn care, it’s important to know your enemy. The following is some information on white clover, as well as how to combat it.

What is White Clover?

White clover (Trifolium repens) is an invasive plant that is native in Africa, Europe, and Asia, and has invaded most of the United States. White clover has three leaflets and the white (sometimes pinkish) flower heads. White clover has fairly shallow roots and can grow to be about 4 inches tall. It is very common to find white clover in lawns and gardens.

White clover is actually surprisingly nutritious, which is why it is often used for livestock, deer, elk, and turkey to feed on, as it is a nutritious option for foraging. Even humans can eat white clover if necessary. Bees also enjoy white clover, which is another reason many people want it gone from their lawns.

The problem is that white clover is invasive, and once it invades your property it can become a problem. It may also be a sign of a lack of fertilization. If your soil is lacking nitrogen, it becomes a very attractive place for white clover to reside. If you can make sure your soil is full of the right nutrients and balanced correctly, that is your first defense against a white clover infestation.

3 Ways to Get Rid of White Clover

Removing it By Hand
If you have just a small section of white clover, you can pull them out by hand. Since the roots are so short, you can put on your garden cloves and weed away. This may be a rather time-consuming method, but with a small patch of white clover, it may be worth trying.

Plenty of garden stores sell herbicide, which you can use to try to rid your lawn of clover. You will want to closely read and follow the instructions. Depending on how you apply it, your other flowers and vegetation may be at risk if they come into contact with the herbicide. However, the herbicide is only effective when used on the white clover when it is small, and is often best left in the hands of experts.

Corn Gluten Meal
Some believe that corn gluten meal can prevent white clover. You will want to use 20lbs per every 1,000 square feet. If this is the method you choose, you should water your lawn, make sure it is saturated, after you spread the corn gluten meal over it, and then allow it to dry. This is something that you will want to do in before the seeds sprout in early spring. It is questionable how well this works.

Putting Your Lawn in the Hands of Experts

At Green Lawn Fertilizing, our 7 step fertilization program is designed to control white clover, as well as other weeds and diseases. Contact us today to find out more about our Green Lawn Fertilizing System, and find out more about the many different options we have available.

Call Now 888-581-5296