How to Mow Grass Like a Putting Green

Love the look of the course? You can turn your backyard into that green haven. Learn how to mow your grass like a putting green.
How to Mow Grass Like a Putting Green
- Start with the right grass. The type of grass you find on a golf course likely isn’t the same one currently in your yard; it’s most likely Bermudagrass. Bermudagrass is a warm-season grass that requires full sun and good drainage. Fortunately, it’s heat-, drought-, and traffic-intolerant. It has one of the fastest growing rates of warm-season grasses.
- Get the right mower. Unlike mowing your lawn like any other on the block, you will need a reel mower for your project. Compared to the rotary-style lawn mower you’re used to that has a limit for the amount of blade it can cut, this mower cuts turf at the low height you see on the golf course—well below 1″. It uses a scissor-like action to clip the grass blades.
- Use a gauge. Many golf courses use dial calipers to ensure consistency of the grass height to the one-thousandth of an inch. You will need to check your reel mower’s 11-15 blades before getting started.
- Mow often. To keep your lawn healthy, you are only supposed to cut 1/3 of the blade at a time. When you are keeping your grass as short as a putting green, that means you might need to mow every day or every other day to maintain the look while keeping your lawn healthy.
- Keep your lawn healthy with help from Green Lawn Fertilizing. Before you can hit a hole in one with your mowing, you need a luscious lawn to cut! The lawn care experts at Green Lawn Fertilizing know just how to take care of your yard so it’s the greenest on the block. Call us today at 855-469-0692 to get a free quote for our comprehensive Green Lawn Program.