Weed Identification Guide

When it comes to fighting weeds, knowledge is power. There are thousands of different types of weeds out there; all with their own unique attributes. When they’re in your lawn though, most people only care about how they can be killed. Knowing what the weed is and a few characteristics about them can help make keeping them under control significantly less frustrating. If you have a lawn service, the more information you can give the better. So whether you’re taking care of the weeds yourself or you have a lawn service to take care of them for you, get familiar with them. It will only make things easier for you. Take a look at some of these common weeds. Have you seen any of them in your lawn?

Dandelions are one of the most common and recognizable weeds out there. They have bright yellow blossoms which mature into puffballs when they’re ready to spread their seeds. They can grow to be about 12” tall and 6”-16” wide. They grow in sun and shade and are found throughout the United States. They are classified as a broadleaf perennial and can be controlled with post-emergent herbicides.

Clover is another weed known to frequent lawns. The flowers range from white to reddish-purple and have compound leaves broken into 3 (or 4 if you’re lucky!) leaflets. Clover is also found throughout the continental United States. It grows to be about 8”-10” tall and 12” wide and grows in sunny and partially shaded areas. They are another broadleaf perennial which can be controlled with post-emergent herbicides.
Oxalis has leaves similar to clover (ranging from bright green to maroon) and has cup-like flowers that bloom in yellow, pink, and white. It grows in sun and shade getting to about 20” tall and grows all over the U.S. . Oxalis is a persistent weed but regular applications of post emergent herbicide can help to keep it under control.

Black Medic
Black Medic
Black Medic is another clover look-alike. The most noticeable difference between the two is that that Black Medic has small pea-sized yellow flowers and dark green leaves. It thrives in sunny areas with poor soil throughout the United States and Hawaii. It grows to about 1-2 feet tall and a foot wide but is easily controlled with post-emergent herbicide. Keeping the lawn well-maintained and hydrated will also help to control this weed.
Purple Deadnettle
This broadleaf annual weed is Purple Deadnettle. It has scalloped leaves that range from purple to green on a square stem and little purple flowers. Purple Deadnettle loves shade.

Purple Deadnettle
Some of the more familiar lawn weeds are Crabgrass, Nutsedge, Wild Strawberries, Plantain and Spurge. Green Lawn Fertilizing, your #1 Local Lawn Care Provider can provide your lawn with the expert fertilizing and weed control it needs to keep these weeds away all season long! We also offer free service calls so you can call us whenever at no extra cost!