Keeping Your Lawn Healthy In The Fall

The fall is a wonderful time to really focus on your lawn. Even though this may not be the time of year generally associated with lawns, a well-kept lawn can still be a bright green in the fall, and the lawn care you provide in the fall may affect how your lawn looks the following year. Keep your lawn healthy with the following tips.
Fall Lawn Care Tips to Keep your Lawn Healthy
At Green Lawn Fertilizing, we know how important your lawn is to your home’s value and appearance. That’s why we have several services that will help you maintain your green grass in fall and beyond. But if you want to handle keeping a green lawn yourselves, consider the following:
• Continue with Basic Lawn Care – You will need to continue to mow your lawn. You do not want the grass getting too long as this can create an attractive environment for insects and other pests. You will still want to water your lawn in the fall. You can water slightly less than you did in the summer as there is less evaporation happening from the sun, but you still need to be watering.
• Fertilize – Fall is the perfect time to fertilize because once the winter cold sets in and prevent the nutrients from getting to the soil and the roots. If you fertilize in the fall it can keep the grass satiated during the winter as well.
• Aeration – Aeration is not going to keep your grass as green this year, but if your grass isn’t that green by fall it can help you maintain your grass next year. Aeration (plus seeding) gives your lawn’s roots way more room to grow. That room helps all year round, because your lawn will be able to get more nutrients and maintain their health for longer.
• Remove Leaves Quickly – Your lawn also still needs a great deal of sun to stay alive, and when leaves fall it can block out that sun. That’s why it’s important to remove leaves very quickly so that the lawn can continue to receive sun. Fall leaves may be beautiful, but they can be problematic for your green lawn.
Maintenance and Smart Decision Making Will Keep Your Lawn Sharp
A bright green lawn is great for home value, great for first impressions, and great for making sure you’re happy every day you come home from work. When you’re wanting a bright, green lawn all throughout the year, contact Green Lawn Fertilizing today.