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How to Stop Weeds from Coming Back

how to stop weeds from coming back

Once you work hard to rid your lawn from weeds, the last thing you want to see is more weeds invading your yard. Learn how to stop weeds from coming back.

How to Stop Weeds from Coming Back

The best way to keep your lawn free from weeds is to keep it as healthy as possible. This involves:

  • Watering properly: nourish your lawn with a deep watering to promote the establishment of healthy root systems. An infrequent (once or twice per week) deep watering is just what the lawn doctor ordered.
  • Mowing high: mowing low allows weeds more access to sunlight, air, and nutrients. Set your lawnmower to a higher setting to keep grass growing high. This keeps weeds in the shade and prevents them from growing.
  • Feed it nutrients: feeding your lawn on a regular basis (most experts suggest every 6 to 8 weeks) with lawn food helps it grow thicker and fill in patches, making your lawn a less-hospitable home to weeds.

Even after you’ve worked hard to rid your lawn of weeds, you are still likely to get a few—especially if your neighbors don’t have their weeds under control. You’ll need to address weed problems as soon as they appear. Some methods include:

  • Manually weeding: You’ll want to make sure you get the entire root system. This is good before the weed goes to flower. Once it does, you might actually spread seeds by accident!
  • Applying herbicide: Herbicides should be your last resort because they can be toxic and dangerous when first applied. Take great care to ensure that you buy herbicides that are meant to kill weeds without harming the grass, too.

Green Lawn Fertilizing Knows Weeds and How to Prevent and Treat Them.

The best way to prevent a lawn full of weeds is to be proactive and vigilant. The lawn care technicians at Green Lawn Fertilizing are dedicated to giving our clients weed-free lawns with our lawn care programs. Call us today at 855-469-0692 for a free estimate. In the meantime, learn more about specific types of weeds in our handy lawn weed library.

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