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How Much Does Lawn Care Service Cost?

How much does lawn care service cost?

Updated February 2021

Simply asking how much lawn care costs is akin to asking how much a television costs. There are many different options in a wide price range based on the wants and needs of the consumer. For example, a customer with a very healthy lawn may only require a maintenance program consisting of a few visits for fertilization and weed control per year. A yard with severe weed, disease, or pest issues requires more attention and services. So, how much does lawn care service cost? Today, we’re looking at the factors that impact costs and comparing the pricing of companies local to Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey.

How Much Does Lawn Care Service Cost?

The best way to determine a budget for lawn care would be first to set your desired results. While a maintenance package may be effective and affordable for most lawns, it may not be enough to turn around a lawn where the grass has been damaged or neglected for years. The following questions may help determine the services that will be required in a lawn care package and may help set the appropriate budget.

  1. When was the last time the lawn was aerated and seeded? Aeration and seeding is the process of pulling out plugs of soil throughout the lawn and planting new seed. This process reduces compaction and introduces new grass to the turf and is essential for a thick green turf. Depending on the condition of the lawn, some properties need this service every year. Other properties benefit from this service every other or every third year.
  2. Did the lawn sustain any damage recently? Lawns can typically be damaged by insects and diseases throughout a season. If there is evidence of such damage (brown patches, unusual coloration, bare areas), it is safe to assume that additional services may be required throughout the season to rectify these issues.
  3. What are your overall goals for the lawn? Many customers employ a lawn care company simply to keep weeds at bay and keep the lawn up to speed. Other customers want the lawn to look like a golf course. Determining the desired results will help the consumer decide on the frequency of services and which services are most impactful in regards to the vision the consumer has for the lawn.

As always, lawn care services are best tailored for each lawn by first employing a lawn care company for fertilization and weed control services. This will provide a certified technician the opportunity to analyze the lawn and diagnose any issues that may require additional services.

How Much Your Local Lawn Care Service Might Cost in PA, NJ, and DE

The easiest way to compare lawn care service costs is to look at the base price as if your lawn is overall healthy—no disease, weeds, or pests. The chart below provides approximate costs to give you an idea of what you can expect to pay. It gives an overview of some of the most popular companies serving Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey.

How much does lawn care service cost?

Please note: the prices above are subject to change and do not include any promotions. For the most accurate comparison, you should call each company individually and request a quote.

Get Your Free Lawn Care Quote from Green Lawn Fertilizing Today

No need to guess or estimate on your own! In addition to offering lawn care programs like our eight-application Green Lawn Program, we also offer one-time services like aeration and seeding, fungicide application, and more. Call us today at 855-469-0692 to request a free quote.

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