Four Fall Lawn Tips to Help Your Yard in the Spring

Even if you’re ready to be done with lawncare for the year and can’t wait for a picturesque winter, it’s important to get your lawn ready for the cooler weather. Here are four fall lawn tips to set yourself up for a successful yard in the spring:
1. Aerate your soil.
Aerating involves poking holes into the soil, give roots deeper access. The fall is ideal for aeration because the air is cool and the soil is still warm. When you aerate the grass for the harsh conditions of winter, you are giving soil access to sun, nutrients, and air, which all help prevent lawn diseases—like snow mold—from growing.
2. Fertilize.
Fertilizer provides extra essential nutrients to your grass, which is particularly important during the cold winter months. While your grass is covered in snow, the fertilizer feeds its roots to help keep them alive throughout the cold months. Then in springtime, your grass is not severely lacking in nutrients and is more likely to thrive.
3. Mow.
Before you store away your mower for the winter, take it out one last time and cut your lawn to the shortest height you have all season. While you might love that blanket of snow, your lawn likely won’t; snow mold is more likely to grow where tall grass is matted down by the weight of the snow. Plus, the short grass height discourages small animals from using your lawn for warmth.
4. Have a professional help.
If you need more fall lawn tips or help winterizing your lawn, Green Lawn Fertilizing can help. We have registered technicians with years of experience in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey lawn care. We offer aeration, fertilizing, and more to help you with a great green lawn all throughout the year. Call Green Lawn Fertilizing at 855-469-0692 today for a free estimate.