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Fall Lawn Care in PA: Your To-Do List

Lawn Aerator

Now that summer is nearing its end, it’s time to start planning your fall lawn care in PA. While you might feel like the tough part is over, your diligence now is actually what will make your lawn successful next year.

Checklist for Fall Lawn Care in PA

1. Aerate your lawn

Aerating your lawn is fall lawn care must because it provides much-needed air to the roots of your grass. If you’re a do-it-yourselfer when it comes to home improvement and lawn care maintenance, you can either purchase a manual aerator or rent one from your local store.

2. Overseed your lawn

In Pennsylvania, we recommend overseeding with ryegrass and tall fescue. Germination for these cool-weather grass seeds ranges from 10-30 days. Both promote green color, thickness, and vigor. It’s vital to overseed because worn-out lawns invite unwanted guests, like weeds and diseases.

3. Mowing your lawn

In the early fall, continue your normal mowing schedule. Toward the end of the season, adjust your mower’s blades to the lowest setting for the last two mows.

4. Kill your lawn’s weeds

Now is a good time to fend off the weeds that will plague your lawn in the spring. You can apply weedkiller now; just make sure to allow up to two to three weeks leeway before putting seed down.

5. Call Green Lawn Fertilizing.

We know just what your lawn needs now for a healthy growing season next year. Whether you just need help with aeration or you want a green lawn year-round, we’re your local team. Call us today at 855-469-0692 for a free quote and to schedule a service.

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